Year 5 science
Acid  and Alkaline

Subject             : Science  ( Year 5
Date                 : 25.10.2011 (Tuesday)
Time                : 10 : 00 – 10 : 30 (30 min)
Standard           : 5S
Enrolment        : 41 pupils
Topic                : Acid and alkaline
Sub-topic          : 2.1 Understanding the properties of acidic , alkaline and neutral substances
Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
a)      Identify acidic, alkaline and neutral substances using litmus paper.
b)      Identify the taste of acidic and alkaline food.
Previous knowledge : Pupils have learnt about
a)      The tastes of food substances and colour.
b)      Mixing vinegar with baking powder in Year 3.
Thinking skills : Making hypothesis, generating ideas, making conclusions
Moral values : Being cooperate, being respect

                                     Teachin g an   d lear ning resources : Litmus paper, lemon, tooth paste, soap, cooking oil, vinegar, canned drink, shampoo, sugar, salt, yogurt



(5 min)

To predict the taste of substances.

1  Teacher ask pupil about the taste of lemon.
Answer :The taste is sour.
2. Teacher explain that substances can be classified  as acidic, alkaline and neutral.
3. Teacher as people to observe the the colour change of the wet red and blue litmus paper after put on the lemon.
Observation: The red colour of litmus paper no changes colour, but the blue colour of litmus paper changes to red colour.
4. Teacher asks pupils to carry out hands-on activity to the experiment.

Red and blue colour of  litmus paper

Thinking Skill : predict

Step 1
(10 min)

Step 2
(5 min)

To observe the change colour of blue and red litmus paper.

Group discussion to make :
a   Observation
b   Conclusion

1  Teacher asks pupil conduct an experiment in groups to observe the change colour of wet blue and red litmus paper .
2  Teacher provides each group blue and red colour litmus paper and :
Group A  lime, mineral water, shampoo, vinegar.

Group B canned drink, cooking oil, tooth paste, sugar.
Group C  yogurt, salt, shower jell, pineapple .
Group D  soap, liquid detergent, tomato, ketchup.
3  Teacher remind pupils when testing, the litmus paper must be wet, also not to taste the food before being advised to do so.
4  Pupils work in groups and record their finding on the change colour of blue and red litmus paper.

1   Teacher asks pupil to discuss in group to make hypothesis and conclusion.

2   Teacher goes around to observe pupils.

litmus paper, lime, mineral water, shampoo , vinegar, canned drink, cooking oil, tooth paste, sugar, yogurt, salt, shower jell, pineapple, soap, liquid detergent, tomato and ketchup.

Thinking Skill: to observe

Moral Value : Being cooperate

Thinking Skill : Observation and conclusion

Moral Value  : Being cooperate

Step 3


1  Teacher asks each group make presentation for group discussion.
2   Pupils respond :
Lime, vinegar, canned drink, pineapple, tomato :
changes blue litmus paper to red colour, but red litmus paper no changes the colour.
The taste : sour

Shampoo, tooth paste, liquid detergent , soap :
changes red litmus paper to blue colour, but blue litmus paper no changes the colour.
The taste : bitter

mineral water, sugar, yogurt, salt, ketchup :
No changes red and blue litmus paper colour.
The taste : neutral , sweet or sour

3  Teacher discuss the answer 
with pupils.

Moral Value : Being respect

(3 min)

1   Teacher give worksheet to each pupil.
2   Teacher goes around to observe pupils.

AVA : worksheet

Date:                              18 September 2008
Time:                              1205 – 1305
Class:                              4 Khadijah
Number of pupils:            31
Subject:                         Science
Time required:                60 minutes
Learning Theme:              Investigating Technology
Topic:                             1. Technology (Advantages and Disadvantages of           Technology)              
Learning Objective:        1.4 analyzing that technology can benefit mankind if  
                                       used wisely
Learning Outcomes:         At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. States at least 2 each technologies advantages and disadvantages.
2. Concludes that technology can benefit mankind if used wisely (by guide).
Prior Knowledge:              Pupils know from the previous lesson that technology is   invented for the betterment of mankind.
Strategy:                        Technology (Microsoft PowerPoint), Discussion
Science Process and Thinking Skills:
Making conclusions
Generating Ideas
Comparing and Contrasting
Drawing conclusions          
Scientific Attitudes and Nobles Values (SANV):
Teaching aids:                           Laptop, LCD, worksheets.
Teaching and Learning activities / Scientific skills
Set Induction
(7 minutes)
To revise their knowledge on previous lesson.
Teacher revises previous topic on Technology.
Teacher asks;
1. How you come to the school?
2. Is it kind of technology?
3. How many minutes it take to come to school?
4. What if there is no technology for you to use, what do you use to come to school?
5. If that is so, how many minutes for your own opinion using method you’ve said before?
6. So, compare it with transportation that you use every day.
Teacher tells pupils that they are going to learn analyzing that technology can benefit mankind if used wisely.
TS: Relating, Comparing
SANV: Being objective.
To see whether they understood previous lesson.
Eliciting Ideas
(±13 minutes)
To find out any alternative concepts among pupils
Teacher shows videos regarding on advantages and disadvantages of technology.
Teacher ask;
  1. What can we see from the video?
  2. What is/are robot use/s?
  3. In that particular video, what is use of the robot?
  4. For then, why do we need technology?
  5. How can we use the technology wisely?
  6. If you have chance to keep a robot, how can you use it wisely?
  7. Public phone is kind of technology too. How can we use it wisely?
Teacher says about disadvantages of technology generally.
Teacher tells the pupils that they are going to discover advantages and disadvantages of technology.
AVA: Laptops, LCD, Microsoft PowerPoint
SANV: Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.
SPS & TS: Observing, Relating
- Smoke emitted from the factory
- Ozone depletation
- Foresting of forest
- Water pollution
- War technology abusing
- Health
Development Idea (25 minute)
State at least 2 advantages and disadvantages.
Teacher asks the pupils to form 7 groups of 4(group already divided by teacher).
Teacher asks pupils to cut the picture in appendix I and paste it on their own field (e.g. communications, transportation). Gives space at below of the picture and ask pupils to discuss and generates ideas of the advantages and disadvantages of technology that they know. Teacher may guide all the time process of discussion.
Ask the pupils to put their work on the walls. Let them walk to each groups work. Teacher gives mark for each workgroup work.
Teacher shows picture of people in war (from Microsoft PowerPoint).

Teacher asks pupils,
  1. What can you see from the picture?
  2. Why?
  3. How can we use war technology for better human benefits rather than war?
Teacher concludes that technology have its advantages and disadvantages. It also has to use wisely so that all human can get benefit from it. We also should be thankful to God for gave an idea to develop a technology that we can use it nowadays.
AVA: Worksheet
Comparing and Contrasting, Generating Ideas, Communicating and drawing conclusions
SANV: Being cooperative, Being thankful to God, Being objective
Application of Ideas
(10 minute)
To reinforce their understanding
Teacher asks the pupils to do exercise on unit 21 Kluster A+ exercise book.
Both teacher and pupils will discuss the exercise together.
SPS: Communicating
TS: Identifying, Matching
SANV: Cooperative
(5 minute)
Recall and conclude today’s lesson
Pupils were asked what they have learnt for the day.
Teachers sing a song “Technology” and ask pupils to sing along.
Teacher conclude the lesson today by giving them reason why they must be thankful to Allah Mighty God because of Him, our Malaysian country still in peace resulting from using technology wisely.
SPS: Making conclusions
SANV: Thankful to God, Realizing that science is a means to understand nature.


Date:                              14 July 2008
Time:                              1105 – 1205
Class:                              3 Abu Bakar
Number of pupils:            31
Subject:                         Science
Time required:                60 minutes
Learning Theme:              Learning about the World around us.
Topic:                             5. Soil
Learning Objective:        5.1 Pupils should learn what soil made up of.
Learning Outcomes:         At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Label at least 3 of the soil’s layer.
2. Can differentiate between soil samples from different places.
Prior knowledge:              Pupils know what soil is is.
Strategy:                        Experimenting
Science Process / Manipulative Skills and Thinking Skills:
Scientific Attitudes and Values:
  • Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment
  • Realizing that science is a means to understand nature.
  • Appreciating the balance of the nature
Learning aids and materials:
  • Soils (Clay, garden soil, sand)
  • Soils from school compound
  • Bottles
  • Small shovel
  • Water
  • Newspaper
  • Flash Cards
Teaching and Learning activities / Scientific skills
Set Induction
(5 minutes)
What soil’s made up of?
Teacher shows picture of different types of soil.
Teacher asks the pupils:
a). What can you see from the picture?
b). Can you touch/smell it?
c). Where can you see it?
d). What is the uses of the sample from the pictures?
Teacher tells student that today they are going to learn soil.
SPS: Observing
TS: Relating
Eliciting Ideas
(7 minutes)
To find out any alternative concepts among pupils
Teacher shows picture of soil on the writing board.
Teacher asks the student to choose from the flash-cards to label the plant.
Accept all the answer without pointing out the mistakes.
Teacher asks;
  1. Are there any living things inside the soil?
  2. If there is living things, which animal is it?
Teacher tells the pupils that they are going to investigate what are the soils made up of.
SPS: Identifying, Differentiate,
TS: Reading
Restructuring Ideas
(30 minutes)
Soils are made up from:
  • Humus
  • Water
  • Clay
  • Silt
  • Sand
  • Small stones
Teacher divides pupils into 6 groups of 5. Each group is provided 2 bottle of mineral water, newspaper and small shovel (share with another group).
Teacher asks the pupils to take soil in front of the class inside the plastic bottle. Each bottles must be fill in about 10 tea spoon. After that, ask pupils to fill in water and shake the mixture. Ask pupils to observe the layer of the mixture.
Repeat the process again but change the soil mixtures that have been taken from different places. Ask them to observe it.
Teacher asks;
a) What can you see from the mixtures?
b) How many layers can you see on the mixture?
c) What is the first layer of the soil mixture?
d) What is the last layer of the mixture?
e) Are there any different between samples from 3 places?
Teacher asks pupils to draw and label the soil mixtures that they observe. Pick representative to present their work.
Teacher asks the student to fill in the blank the flash card accordingly to the layer that correctly according to the layer mixture.
Teacher prepares all the materials including soils from the different part of the school compound (e.g. Soil from football field, besides the class and at the garden of the school compound).
SPS: Investigating,
Application of Ideas
(8 minutes)

Give the student activity sheet regarding on this topic.
Asks the pupils to discuss among their group and ask them to write the answer at the blackboard.
SPS: Discussing, Grouping, classifying and
(5 minutes)
Summary on the lesson
Teacher concludes the lesson by give the pupils mind maps regarding the layer of the soil.
Teacher gives exercise as pupil’s extra work.